Those are your Detergents !!!
Syn Decro Cid: |
Phosphoric- based acid detergent with change indicator for the clearance of limestone and saline dirt from food plants and equipments. * / **
Syn Acisol: |
Phosphoric-based solvented and perfumed acid detergent für the clerance of limestone, lime and cement from bright floorings and all hard surfaces* / ** for use on ceramic.
Do not use on stones
This detergent must be used only on machines resistant to acid.
* per use only with machines resistant to acid and paying attention to the product concentration.
**Possible corrosion of stone, usually limestone and brick, use a low quantity and try again on limited parts before extending the product over its entire surface.
Important:per your garantee, use a low quantity and try on limited parts before extending the product over its entire surface.
The inpermation and instructions reported herein correspond to the present state of our knowledge and experience; in any case it doesn't relieve anybody of his responsibility about the respect of the safety instructions and about the proper use of the product.
The instructions and information noted on the label are in conpermity with the law.
Synclean can make any changes without previous notice notice .